
Awkward, Cringeworthy Intro Post

Here comes the clichéd introductory entry, I hate these things so I'll make this little bit as brief as possible.

Hello, I'm Esther (pseudonym obviously) I'm in my late teenage years and in education. I am a literature fanatic, so don't be shocked at the amount I talk about books. If you're one of those who think reading is boring, or for sad people with no lives, you can just leave now, I can guarantee that you'll be bored to within an inch of your life here.
I was inspired to write an anonymous blog by the fantastic Intimate Adventures of a London Call Girl.
Something that probably says a lot about me, is that it took me twenty minutes to decide which font to use for this blog. In the end I settled on Bentham, but I'm now unsure whether I like the way that the letter S is bigger than the other letters even in lowercase. So you can probably expect a font change at some point in the near future.
I think that should be enough for now, you'll learn more about me as you read each entry from here on in, so strap in and get ready! (I can promise you my life is not that interesting that you need to strap in, it just sounded good)

So today, well would you be shocked if I told you I slept in until 3pm. Well, I did so you can pick up your jaw from the floor now. I was supposed to be going to college today, it being Tuesday and all. But I woke up this morning at 7am, planned to shower and be prepared for the half past 8 departure, little did I know last night that I would be so tired at 7am I wouldn't even have the energy to roll out of bed and fall to the floor. So I set my alarm to 8am, then thought fuck it and called in sick. Half an hour is not nearly enough time for a shower, plus getting ready, and a morning coffee. So I crawled back into my pit, and slept for another seven hours. That is a long time isn't it, bloody hell. I sleep a lot, but sometimes I don't sleep at all, so forgive me.

I've only been awake for an hour and a half, so needless to say I haven't accomplished much as of yet. A strong coffee being the extent of my productivity. I plan to (and we all know how that ended last time) get some more of my book written today, perhaps another chapter or two. I'm a slow writer, it's taken me a very long time to write two decent chapters, which I'm still not satisfied with might I add. I've got plans for it though, and hopefully I can get the ball rolling a bit quicker now. I also need to finish The Notebook, I'm enjoying it so far, although I am only 47 pages in, but it's good nonetheless.

I've also got a bit of Psychology work to do, nothing major just a bit of reading, which you know I don't mind at all. Then I will probably spend the rest of the evening having the shower that I neglected this morning and getting stuck in to my untitled masterpiece (ha!).

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