I don't know about you, but any number of sweaty, heavy breathing people engaging in sexual acts is no turn on for me whatsoever. As you well know I am a big fan of reading, and that carries over to my sexual pleasure and masturbatory habits. I get a lot of arousal through reading erotic stories. In particular ones about an older male English teacher or professor and a young, but not slutty, female student. This may or may not reflect a relationship that I myself wish I would have had with a certain teacher, Mr. Marks. I won't dwell too much upon Mr. Marks because I will get... excited shall we say. If I can't sleep I'll often create scenarios in my head between him and I, maybe I stay behind to ask him for help and he strolls over to the door, locks it, and we have passionate sex by his desk. To name but one scenario! There are endless possibilities when your mind is the maker. You should try it if you can't sleep, it works.
If you can't sleep due to your brain not having an off switch then these are good to try, sort of variations on the same thing;
- Imagine a dirty alleyway with graffiti and other such things, then you see a little old, generic looking man wearing a flat-cap pushing an industrial sized bin into your "mind screen". You throw all of your thoughts, and that bloody song that's been stuck in your head all day into the bin. Shut it quickly, get the little man to lock it and then he'll push it off the other side of the screen. You'll find that you're mind is clear, not a thought in sight. Although it doesn't stay that way for long so get relaxed as soon as possible.
- Another one like this is to have a field with a hot air balloon in the middle, and lock all of your thoughts in a box, pop it into the hot air balloon and and sever its ties with the ground, let it float away.
- And lastly, my current favourite, is to have a blank white mind screen, almost instantly your thoughts appear and clutter the space. So you imagine a white ball of energy at the bottom in the middle, then the ball gets bigger and bigger and a force field now surrounds your ball of energy, so the thoughts start to bounce off. Eventually the ball takes over the whole screen and the thoughts are gone for quite a while.
I know what insomnia feels like and I know it can be the most horrible experience, sometimes I feel like the morning isn't going to come if I can't get to sleep. We all get a bit strange at night though don't we? Thinking in a morbid way and, me personally, at night when I'm alone the only thoughts that want to circulate my noggin are negative ones, ones that are telling me how much I need to improve my life and whatnot. Hence why I've devised a few techniques to shut them up! I hope they help you in some way. You can take one and put your own spin on it, whatever works for you.
This has been somewhat a mish-mash of two potential posts, but one topic seemed to flow nicely from the other so I figured why the hell not!
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